The Holiday Project is a Scottish Registered Charity (SC030795) which help Families, Lone Parents, Senior Citizens, Disabled, Carers, and Organised Community Groups who would otherwise not be able to afford that much needed respite holiday.  

The Project currently owns 3 caravans one of which is adapted for people with disabilities. All of our caravans are sited at SandyLands Holiday Park, Saltcoats, North Ayrshire.

Booking and paying for the holiday is easy, as we have an interest-free Savings Club, which means that the cost of your holiday can be spread over the course of a few weeks or months and you can even save for your holiday spending money. As long as your holiday is paid in full 2 weeks before you go. 

We provide one week or weekend holidays at substantially lower terms than that of commercial operators.  For example, during peak summer holiday time we charge £400. By booking a caravan independently the cost for an equivalent caravan could soar to almost £600. Our weekend rates start at £150 for 2 nights. You can find the full price list on the tariff page.




At their meeting on 14 March 2023, the Archibald Taylor Trust agreed to wind up the Trust and give the remaining money to the Holiday Project for them to finance holidays during convalescence at Sandyland's Holiday Park, Saltcoats.

Funds are depleting extremely quickly due to overwhelming demand. Only first time applicants to the Archibald Taylor Trust will be considered and it is very likely that the fund will close in 2024. If you think you meet the criteria below and would like to be considered for a  holiday please contact us on:01563 524800 for more information. 

East Ayrshire Council is responsible for a number of Trusts which were established following former gifts of monies from various individuals for particular purposes. In gifting the monies to the Council, the individuals made specific conditions as to how it should be spent. The Archibald Taylor Trust is one of these managed by East Ayrshire Council, who support applications made via The Holiday Project.
This Trust finances holidays for individuals in need who were born in, or currently reside in, Kilmarnock. Applicants are recommended for this by their GP. The application process is straightforward, discreet and confidential and help can be given to complete the application form and make holiday arrangements. The Trust can also provide for beneficiaries to be accompanied by a companion/carer.
You may qualify to have your holiday paid for you as long as you fit the following criteria:-
  • If you have a medical condition and or disability - that can be verified by your GP. 
  • Must be living in OR have been born in Kilmarnock. Only certain areas within qualify - Hurlford, Kilmaurs, Crosshouse etc are seen as outlying villages, and therefore would not be eligible. 
  • Show lack of financial means that would prevent the proposed holiday taking place.
Application forms can be obtained from The Holiday Project, or you can click on the following link and print off the form. We recommend that you place your holiday booking before completing the form to ensure that your requested holiday date is available.
Once the form has been completed by you and your doctor, please return to; The Holiday Project Office to be checked and processed. You will find our office details in the contact us tab :)


  The Holiday Project’s 

Mission Statement

“The Holiday Project provides quality affordable residential holidays and recreational facilities for the purpose of improving the quality of life for everyone with priority given to residents of East Ayrshire.” 

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